Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The New "Raw" Deal

Where does it end? The stock markets have crashed, the government is out of control, the economy is struggling and people are angry about anything the media feeds them these days. AIG execs got bonuses. So what. They had a contract. A contract that was in effect before they got bailed out, a contract that was to be honored due to Sen. Dodd adding his little amendment to make sure those who scratched his back were taken care of, a contract that was legal and binding no matter how distasteful it was. The important thing was that there was a contract. We are a nation of laws, when Congress determines that those laws should be disregarded due to public outrage we become socialist. Congress has made this economy worse. Barney Frank is an idiot. How does he get re-elected??? He and Chris Dodd are the masterminds of the banking regulations that caused the banks to make sub-prime loans to people who they knew could not afford to pay. If I were one of those people I would be angry that they did opened up this candy store and made it so appealing only to have it all come crashing down years later. Yet to do so would force people to accept part of the blame. That's hard to do. Frank also wants to pass a bill to allow Geithner to change existing contracts to adjust pay in ALL employees of companies that took bailout funds. You can be sure they won't be looking at how much the Congress make. Janet Napolitano doesn't want to enforce the immigration laws. Kathleen Sebelius is another in a long line of President Obama's cabinet choices who owed back taxes. At this rate maybe we'll have a surplus when all his picks pay their back taxes to be a part of his cabinet. Add to this the forced resignation of GM's Chairman and you should be very afraid of where this country is heading. I read a lot of comments after articles and am surprised that Obama got elected based upon all the negative comments I see. Are people coming around? Or did the Republican party just not offer a solid candidate who people felt the need to get out and vote for? I don't know but I'm hoping the midterm elections allow the people to express their disappointment by voting for more change in the form of a lessened Democrat majority or even better, a thumping by electing Republicans back into power. I'd like to see how well Obama would handle that situation...even better, I'd like to see Pelosi's face if that were to happen. One thing I do wonder is, how do the unions in Detroit feel now about their choice of President? First he stands by to allow Senator Levin to be lowered in stature then he takes a hard line on the life blood of the auto industry by choosing who can and can't run GM and then says bankruptcy is a viable option for GM and Chrysler. Add to that the new CAFE standards he'll sign into effect and other hurdles he'll place in front of a struggling auto industry. I bet Ford is happier than anything that they passed on the bailout funds. They are looking like the smartest of the big three and may be the only ones who survive since anytime the government has a hand in a company it seems to always run it into the ground.