Monday, May 09, 2005

My Boss Flying

Sometimes in my position we are called by various people higher up on the corporate ladder to check anything from how many people are booked on a flight to if a flight is on time. My Boss recently traveled out of town for Mothers day and needed such information for his return. Here's the conversation after I answered the call. By the way, my Boss isn't exactly comfortable flying.

Me: Hey, what going on?

Boss: Not much, just trying to get home today. How's it look on the flights around noon?

Me: Let me check. All 3 flights from 11:30am thru 2:40pm are pretty well open.

Boss: It was raining here a few minutes ago. How's the weather and are the flights on time?

Me: We're taking a few short delays but mostly on time. There's a cell of thunderstorms west of you heading north by north east but should slide to the north of you.
However, there are more building to the south that may impact where you're at.

Boss: We're going to have to fly through some storms eh?

Me: Well they could head out west and go around the storms but it looks like most flights are just going over them.

Boss: I guess I can expect a pretty bumpy ride eh?

Me: Well, let me just ask you this, "are you right with God?"

Sometimes my sense of humor can have a dark side..

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Fear of the Blog

Quite often I find myself thinking of a subject or situation that would make good blog content but then start to question whether there will be ramifications to posting the article. Fear of the Blog I call it. Most times it'll be about my work because in my position I get to see the inner workings of the airline industry and I can tell you I am consistently exposed to new situations. From the person who wanted to board an aircraft wearing only a bikini to the person who thought it was no big deal to carry on moonshine in a non-descript bottle. Some things come from the government itself and how one airports screeners will defer a questionable item to the airline while at another airport they'll all be Barney Fifes and want to call all the shots. Either way I think to myself about what would happen if I posted one of these strange occurrences and it wasn't liked by those higher up on the corporate food chain. Freedom of the Press may not apply here and who wants to test those waters? Would it be worth the risk of unemployment? No. It would not. That may not be the idealist thing to say, but I value the responsibility I have of providing for my family and of all things, that is where my priority lies. But the seed is planted and I'm sure I'll find some interesting situations that just can't go unposted.
I like my job. How can I not? It pays well, is interesting, not physically demanding and keeps me on my toes intellectually. It's a challenge and everyday is different. Some days are boring as all get out, while others I'm counting the minutes to shift change cuz I'm mentally spent. I never know what kind of day I'll have and in a way it's that uncertainty that makes this position desirable to me.
I may not be a "waiterrant" but eventually maybe I'll hone my literary skills to the point of gathering a readership. I may not write things that are prophetic but it will be real. Who knows? Maybe I'll surprise myself? Or maybe it'll be the most boring thing out there?