Thursday, December 09, 2004

Dec 9, 2004

This is my first time writing a blog. Sometimes ya just got something to say and no one to say it to so this is a perfect solution. Say it to no one and everyone at the same time.
I've got a pretty good life. A wonderful wife, a super 3yr old boy and a precious 1yr old baby girl. Pretty normal. Once in a while I have enlightnened moments where a profound thought pops into existance in my head so I'll be sure to try and share them when it happens.
I've got my share of concerns also but none so large that I fret constantly. I consider them my challenges and as such they are a normal part of life. Anyone who doesn't have any worries or the occasional problem is either dead or too young to know better.
It's 2 weeks before Christmas and as with most people, we're spending too much on the holidays. It's not that we go hog wild, but I wonder where the balance is? After you add up all the events, gifts, extras, dining, babysitting, and time spent attending to those things it's amazing we survive at all. They say it takes until April before you would be able to keep any wages you earn if you were to pay your yearly taxes up front, then it must take until at least February before you could clear the bill for Christmas. It's like a years of fun and activities packed into 3 weeks time.
Don't get me wrong though, I'm not bitter or depressed or resentful of the money we spend during the holidays. I know that I have been blessed with a full life and that is just another facet of that life. It's a balance.
To go around moaning about the cost and packed schedule would only be cause to remind you that without it all you'd just be sitting around at home. Giving gifts and sharing time with friends and family are some of the best things you can do to lift your spirits and get that boost of good feelings from those who like you. It's a small price for the returns you recieve. If you doubt, then just think of those who do not have the option of going into debt to celebrate the holidays or may not even know it is a holiday.
Enough for now. We'll see if I decide to continue this blog later on.

Thanks for reading.