Friday, January 06, 2006


Last week the family and I went up to Missouri to visit the in-laws. It was a short visit for wifey and I but the kids get to stay for the week. Needless to say we're taking it worse than the kids. It's too quiet at the house, but at least we take solace in that we are getting some projects done while we can. We called about 7 times that first day. Maybe 3 the next. Today may be 2. Wifey's sister and her family are there so our kids get to spend some quality time with the cousins as well as the grandparents. They'll have a great time. Of course we wouldn't mind a little "we miss you cry" once in a while when talk to them on the phone, at least one that comes from them to us instead of the other way around.
The visit was nice albeit quick. We flew in Friday and returned Tuesday. I think I gained 5 pounds! My mom-in-law is a very good cook. Sometimes a little too good.
We'll go back on next Tuesday to pick them up. Can't wait for that day to come. The silence is killing us!