Sunday, October 11, 2009

Nobel Peace Prize

The Nobel Peace Prize just became a toy prize from a vending machine.  No longer does it hold the distinguished honor it used to be.  The committee to award this has relegated it's status to that of a political tool to be used to encourage certain political viewpoints.  I'm embarrassed for the committee as they have just made themselves irrelevant to world events and have, in one moment, decreased the stature of this award to that of toy prize at a carnival fair.  What's even worse is that all those who were awarded this prize before have just been slapped with the realization that the award that was supposed to recognize their great achievements has now been cheapened to the likes of a popularity contest.  It's a sad day for Alfred Nobel.  Five people just made a mockery of his legacy.

According to Nobel's will, the Peace Prize should be awarded to the person who:

during the preceding year [...] shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses.

 What part of "shall have done" not proposed to do, hoped to do, wished to do, do they not understand?

The award was given just because of who he is, not what he's done.  It's just sad.