Friday, January 14, 2005

Ya ever wonder?

I was recently in Las Vegas for a vacation with a friend of mine for the consumer electronics show convention. Geeks of all sizes, shapes and styles were there to see the newest products and advertise their wares. We did the normal geek thing like the Star Trek Experience ride and had a blast. Even got to see Smash Mouth perform at the House of Blues. That was the highlight of the trip. Seeing a group live always beats the CD. There's nothing like it.
I realized that Las Vegas is a town like no other. It has something for almost everyone. Wondrous shows, entertainment, animal attractions and luxurious decor. There's visual entertainment 24/7. I realized that I really liked being there. Watching all the happenings around me was enough to keep me entertained for days. We must have walked 3-4 miles daily and it was the most exercise I've had in months. The funny thing about it is that I didn't even mind walking. There's so much to see that walking is really the preferred method of travel since you don't have to go outside 1 square mile to find dozens of things to see. It's a great place to visit.

Here's one of those revelations I thought up recently and I'm sure most married guys can agree with this.
My wife is a walking CSI. She can tell things about what I do or where I've been just by the smallest bit of evidence.
She knows I'm up to something just by the way I breathe. She can tell if I've merely talked to another woman just by the way my hair is combed. She can see things most people would need a microscope to tell. Example: Let say I casually chatted with a girl. She would ask who it was I talked to because she caught the faintest scent of the deodorant "Secret" that may have wafted thru the air and landed on my shoe. She knows when I buy something without telling her by the way the tires on my car are lower due to the extra 3 pounds that new DVD box set weighs. She is so in tune with me that she can tell when I'm bothered by something before I'm even bothered by it. Those of you with wives know what I'm talking about. It's what keeps us guys wondering "how can they know that? "