Thursday, January 20, 2005

Rice Confirmation Hearings

I was watching the news yesterday and as Peter Jennings was starting to close out the newscast he mentioned that Condolezza Rices' confirmation hearing for Secretary of State was delayed by a week, even though she easily has enough votes to be confirmed, due to the Democrats decision to debate her confirmation for a few more days. It's widely known she will be confirmed, it's a foregone conclusion, but the Dems in the Senate decided to take one last parting shot at her. As Jennings was closing this little news bit he made a comment I found refreshing from a liberal media, he said that translated, the debate and delay for the week was just to give the Democrats more time (and news coverage) to further complain about Bush going to war in Iraq. The truth finally! The Democrats just don't get it. There are better things to spend their time on than delaying the inevitable and making more statements about the war in Iraq. The only 2 people to vote against Rice was Senators Boxer and Kerry. Didn't Kerry try and Portray himself as not as extreme liberal as he was made out to be and more to the middle left? Looks to me like he was labeled correctly since he was right there next to Senator Boxer and she's so far left she could fall off the edge and make her own form of liberalism.