Saturday, February 12, 2005

Social Insecurity

This issue has been in the news lately quite often. I'm 40 years old and I'm personally not counting on there being any social security left when I retire, but I'm planning ahead. With some foresight, investment and budgeting I hope to not be dependent upon any type of government payout when I retire. It will be a nice bonus if it is still there and I can take part of my share but unless the system is changed I wouldn't bet on it. You see, I'm a firm believer that if you send money into the bureaucrats in D.C. they'll spend it. That's what they do. For some reason they believe that since they have all this money being sent into the Treasury they are entitled to spend your hard earned dollars on pig waste research in Iowa. How about a research lab to determine how the ozone layer affects the spotted tweeterbird of North Dakota? (I'm using some creative license here for effect). My case and point is this, creating retirement savings accounts may not be perfect but at least it's money that will not be going into the fund that Congress gets their hands on. The less the better. If we send in less money they will be forced to learn to spend within their means. Of course there would also have to be a way to restrict government borrowing and not any type that could be changed by those who spend the money. It seems to me that we the people need to impose some type of restriction on those we elect to maintain a tight budget. It would be a wonderful thing if the government was in the black and able to save the billions it spends on interest from the debt it owes.