Wednesday, February 09, 2005


So a Professor in Colorado seems to think that the people who were killed on Sept 11, 01 were no better than the Nazi criminal Eichman. He rationalizes this by attempting to link them to the sanctions placed upon Iraq and the suffering that created for the population of Iraq. Of course he doesn't mention anything about the billions of dollars that were supposed to be used by Saddam to purchase food and medicines for the population but ended up in the pockets of Saddams friends, and business partners who embezzeled the funds for their own personal use. Could it be that the suffereing of those people in Iraq would have been far less if the money would have been used as it was intended? I don't see any mention of that by Churchill? How about the fact that the people who died that day on 2001 did not create policy for the middle east? That's like kicking your dog for something you neighbor did. I fail to see how he can justify his reasoning. He's accusing innocent people who were killed of being conspirators in the some plot to have a hostile foreign policy towards the middle east. How ridiculous is that? If that is the case then he is as guilty as they are. He gets a paycheck, spends his money, drives the economy, and is a part of the population of the United States. Nothing less than what everyone else in the two towers did as well. I think he should be fired, not for his speech but for his lack of logical intelligence. This indicates a flawed thought process and reasoning and for one who is in the position to educate others he has proven his reasoning is not logical. He makes wide assumptions and baseless allegations without any logical reasoning. I'm sure there's a college in Syria or Iran who would love to hire him. If I had a son or daughter attending that college I would pull them out and switch colleges if he is an example of what the instructors are like. I want them to get an education, not some opinionated skewed personal views of the faculty.