Saturday, April 28, 2007

What if we really cared?

We are a political society. Seems politics permeate the airwaves, the TV, social discussions, and newspapers. The problem is, what is the truth? Politics by nature have become a "who can spin the best" type of contest. We are a fickle nation who elects our representatives based upon looks and presentation. You could make a beautiful looking dinner out of rice cakes, food dye and tofu but would it taste good? That's how it is with politics. Who has the best presentation, the best line, the best haircut and outfit? How many people actually take time to look into the beliefs and history of the person they elect? If it's not an easy to read, short and concise quote then we haven't the time to read it. The future ramifications of our votes are seldom considered. It's "what can you do for me and my social class" type of mentality that chips away at the foundation of the country. Politicians don't want to make the hard decisions to solve the real issues. They want to position themselves to reap the benefits of stagnation and obfuscation, never really taking a definitive stance. To do so would be political suicide. The problem isn't that we have no politicians willing to stand up and do what is right, the problem is they are attacked by the larger core of politicians who fear a straightforward honest member of their elitist group. They fear that it would remove the wool from the populations' eyes and allow them to see that they are drunk on the power and prestige granted them by the people of this country. Before long we will have no recourse to fix this utterly broken government. The complacency of the American people will allow those in power to assert that power with no control. We keep electing people who feel it is their right to be in office, not their privilege. When politics becomes a club, it's time to change ownership of that club. We as the voting public need to perform a leveraged buyout of Congress and let them know who they really work for. We should elevate those few congressmen and congresswomen who have actually placed the good of the country above the good of the chosen few. We need to reduce entitlements, balance the budget, force all legislation to be open and published before voted upon, eliminate pork barrel spending (better yet make it illegal), create term limits, fix the tax code, and get social security and medicare fixed and funded. We need to improve our intelligence gathering, make our military more efficient and better equiped, and reinvest in the education of our youth. There's a lot of talk about this stuff (except social security and medicare) but not much action. It's our own fault though. We keep electing the same ol' people. We've taken the easy path to our own destruction.
Unless we start taking a real interest in the future of our politics we all may find we've walked half way through a train tunnel only to find we can't out run the locomotive heading our way.