Friday, May 11, 2007

The real truth?

I was reading where Michael Moore believes that President Bush was the reason he was being investigated for taking a group of 9/11 emergency responders to Cuba for medical treatment supposedly due to not having access to quality care here in the U.S. Of course travel to Cuba has been illegal for decades but apparently he doesn't believe the law applies to him. Also, if you were going to be charitable enough to take some well deserving people somewhere outside the US for medical care, why wouldn't you take them somewhere known for it's advanced medical care like Switzerland, Norway, Germany or even Canada? Why? Because it wouldn't have suited Michael Moores' purpose of trying to smear the current administration. His credibility is nonexistent on his latest project. If he really were concerned about the welfare of the people he took to Cuba for health care he would have taken them to a country that has better care than Cuba. But then, that wouldn't have made such a good story.
Does Michael Moore really believe that The President of the United States has the time or interest in making problems for him? Michaels' paranoia and delusions of grandeur could make a case for a visit to the clinic for some anti-delusional prescriptions. Of course, he could always get them from Cuba.